The idea for this prosthetic socket design is attempt to redefine the concept of a respirator, from socket that hold the stump, to a functional socket design that actively breathes on amputee’s skin. The goal of this project is to…
Anti-freeze peptide are tasteless,non toxic and high antifreeze activity.It are beneficial to the human race when placed into produce. By putting antifreeze peptide into produce we are able to encounter more production than ever before. The…
The present invention provides a standardized extract in which antidiabetic and antioxidant agents therein are quantified and subjected to cytotoxicity and toxicological tests. Hence, the present invention provides a safe and effective dosage…
The technology is a method for preparing an electrochemical biosensor for the detection of uric acid in biological sample. The invention relates to a biosensor for detection of uric acid in biological samples in particular to a method for preparing…
The invention is a cooling patch from cucumber extract and starch from natural and eco-friendly formulation for cooling devices. Existing cooling patches made from synthetic polymer, petroleum-based polymer, not natural & unfriendly to…
Sistem Maklumat Inventori (SISMAI) telah dibangunkan pada tahun 2004 oleh Institut Penyelidikan Perikanan Malaysia (FRI) bagi merekod maklumat aset yang terdapat di FRI, Batu Maung, Pulau Pinang. Sistem ini mampu untuk menyimpan rekod serta…
It will help you to stay safe when participating in water-related activities and what to respond in aquatic emergencies.
These are herbal handmade soaps from the finest herbs and pure essential oils without parabens and artificial fragrances. The benefit of aromatherapy is, the aromatic oils can be detected by cells in the olfactory systems which are closely-linked…
Epilepsy is known as one of the neurological disorders that will cause seizures, it is known as a sudden abnormal electrical activity that happened in the brain. Seizures usually cause abnormal muscle activity, sensations, and even the loss of… Classification
by UCSI University in Prototype
Every age group strives for good skin. The face serum has been the optimal topical formulation for delivering active ingredients to the skin. However, the synthetic materials used in these led to skin irritations, redness, and itching. The… Classification
Clitoria ternatea (CT) flower extract was evaluated for its potential effects against neurodegenerative disorders eg; Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease. The Parkinson's disease (PD) brain is damaged due to excessive accumulation of misfolded… Classification
Depression is the leading neuropsychiatric disorder that significantly contributes to the global burden of disease. Conventional antidepressants have not been sufficiently effective and they also produce many life-degrading side effects. So, the… Classification
A modular of supportive device, “Elev8thor”, as to lift patient’s injured foot by ‘offload’ approach. “Elev8thor” is a tool that reduces complications of foot injuries, as it facilitates medical personnel in managing any open severe wound. It is… Classification
Inovasi ke arah pengembangan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Quran kepada komuniti OKU pekak dimana pengguna dapat mengetahui sinopsis surah dan mengenali paparan anatramuka mashaf, menghafaz ayat-ayat menggunakan Kod Tangan Quran, belajar membaca dan…
Informer on site is one of prototype mobile application for informing disaster complaint with site pictures and location using the smartphones. Its focus on disaster cases such as flood, typhoon, haze and landslide. This apps can assist the…
Hydroshooter is made by 2 main materials which are silicon for the outside cover and propylene for the inner component that hold the spring to act as the auto-recap function. The hydroshooter will be attached to the syringe by screw like component…
The amazing X-dent box is the protection to the dental technicians and dental student which protect them from short and long term disease (eg : allergy, asthma and lung cancer) causing by the hazardous particles form from trimming process. It has 2…
Name: Duplo Box Material: 3D Printer Materials (Plastic) Dimension: Size: 100mm x 50mm Come in one Compartment Please contact person in charge for more details
The MSU assessment chart and Tool consists of the MSU vision test chart and MSU Assessment Ruler for binocular vision assessment. It comes with a detachable ruler stick and vision chart plate with box. Both chart and ruler prototypes were… Classification
I-Talk Piskeb (Innovation Talk Pendidikan Islam Sekolah Kebangsaan) is an interactive application based on text book Pendidkan Islam Standard 1 until 6. The development of this courseware is to provide the best learning tools for teachers who teach…
This product allow query in one language targeted to documents in a different language through Quhex indexing model in the form of machine language understood by computers. Quhex indexing is a unique representation in binary, independent of the…
Sistem Pemantauan Radiasi Pintar (SARM) adalah sistem pemantauan tahap radiasi berterusan 24 jam. Amaran automatik kepada pengguna (telefon pintar, siren dan lampu amaran) apabila tahap pendedahan lebih tinggi daripada tahap yang boleh diterima
ICT technology to count the number of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) and determination of LC50 valve.
Deltozide Tablet 200MG is an oral formulation in tablet form. Each tablet contains 200 mg of active ingredient which is mascot leaf extract. Deltozide Tablet 200MG adalah formulasi oral dalam bentuk tablet. Setiap tablet mengandungi 200 mg bahan…
Would dressings mostly in the form of hydrocolloid and hydrogel from synthetic polymer materials are imported for wound management. We have developed a wound dressing made of natural polymer i.e. chitosan derivative that gives added value to…
Objective: To detect any corrosion or erosion or wall loss at the external side of the reactor tank wall Puspati Triga Mkll as a part of their regular maintenance programs to meet the IAEA requirement.
merupakan alat yang dibangunkan dengan sensitiviti yang mencukupi yang boleh mengesan sebarang perubahan kecil terhadap tahap radiasi bagi semua radionuklid
Radio frequency radiation safety assessment service.
Portal/sistem yang menyediakan maklumat aras sinaran frekuensi radio yang dipancarkan oleh struktur pemancar telekomunikasi. Sistem ini diintegrasikan dengan ‘google map’ dan boleh di akses oleh oramg awam bagi…
Samarium-153 ethylenediamine tetramethylene phosphonate (Samarium-153 EDTMP) merupakan sebatian kompleks radiofarmaseutikal di mana radioisotop Samarium-153 dilabel dengan bahan kimia EDTMP, berfungsi untuk melegakan kesakitan pada tulang (…
The project focuses on improving skin psoriasis condition using natural ingredient and giving no side effects. As we know, skin is the largest organ by surface area in human which aids in protecting the internal tissues from microbial infection,… Classification
Potaringa Paste is a sustainable, ready-to-use & nutritious Therapeutic Food. It is a transformative solution designed to address the immediate nutritional needs of refugees and homeless people in Malaysia while simultaneously combating the… Classification
This innovative cream, all-natural, and halal skincare cream provides a unique blend of palm oil, lemon oil, and oats, sourced sustainably and ethically. The cream is a self-emulsified base, made from palm oil and water without the use of any… Classification
The Halah lipstick innovation is a breakthrough in the cosmetics industry, offering a natural, halal, and food-grade lipstick option. This ingenious invention incorporates responsibly sourced palm oil as the lipstick base, delivering a smooth and… Classification
The Coffee Pulp Yoghurt drink is a game-changing healthy drink innovation that will revolutionise the food and beverage industry. This yoghurt drink is made from coffee peel (husk) and has been shown to help with weight loss and… Classification
The healthcare system in Malaysia is grappling with significant challenges, one of which is limited access to healthcare affects a substantial portion of the population, particularly those in rural or remote areas, where approximately 30% face… Classification
A fast and effective pain relief ointment with anti-itching and soothing effects.
Companies in Malaysia (45%) lagged slightly in delivering total well-being initiatives for all their employees, as compared to Asia (48%). Only 21% of Companies in Malaysia (versus an Asia average of 26%) have provided on-demand access to virtual… |
Allopurinol, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, phenobarbital, phenytoine, sulfamethoxazole, oxicam and nevirapineare are five high-risk drugs that could induced cutaneous adverse drug reaction, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic…
All of us will experience an abrasion or a cut at some point. In Malaysia, sea cucumber or commonly known as ‘Gamat’ is frequently used, especially among the Malay older generation to treat minor wounds in daily usage…
The present invention generally involves to a method to produce a hybrid wound dressing by combining hydrocolloid film dressing with embedded nanofibers into a potential wound dressing application. It would contribute greatly to fragile wounds such…
The dressing consisting of thermo-sensitive gel of biodegradable polymer which incorporated with Dicer-substrate small interfering RNA (DsiRNA)-loaded gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) that exhibits antibacterial and healing properties. DsiRNA is directed…
Fluid gel is a suspension of microgel particles. The fluid gel is formulated using a biopolymer and produced by applying shearing during gelation process. It exhibits the optimal physicochemical properties including the nectar and honey consistency…
Energy harvesting system that is capable of capturing ambient radio frequency (RF) waves using an antenna that is fabricated based on the a Micro-Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) technology fabrication process with copper and pyrex as the material…
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of health conditions (central obesity, increased blood pressure, blood glucose and triglyceride, and reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) that elevate the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.…
CAISER is an Event Processing Platform Technology that can be used as a tool to create Event Processing related systems such for Smart Building Systems, Intelligent Alarm Processing Systems, Intelligent Surveillance Systems, Financial Fraudulent…
Open wounds require immediate proper wound care management. Otherwise, its severity may become worse due to infection and it will slow down the healing process. The main aim of this invention is to produce a topical formulation that provides fast…
A Web-based content creation and management system based on a multimedia collaborative approach.The system uses VBScript and JavaScript as the core programming language.The system allows users to develop multimedia presentation and courseware based…
This is a system that will recognize and predict the emotional state of an automotive drivers while driving. The system will receive inputs from several sensors including psychophysiological sensors (PPG, skin temperature, GSR, blood pressure, ECG…
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease affecting the elderly population worldwide. The condition severely reduces mobility and quality of life among the elderly. Effective treatment for osteoarthritis is not available at this moment since…