Intelligent VRT controller for variable rate liquid fertilizer applicator- mature oil palm plantation & other tree crops.This invention is about Intelligent VRT controller works to monitor NPK status of soil and make the decisions itself to…
This Research and Development (R&D) started since 2015 and has been developed to improve musculoskeletal diseases (MSD) among agricultural workers in the long run. This technology specifically reduce discomfort and physiological workload of…
Agrivoltaic Kitchen Garden (AvKg) is an invention that provides the means of incorporating green energy using solar PV system and crops cultivation in the concept of the kitchen garden.This technology provides integration of standalone; green energy…
Despite the modern technology that has been incorporated into the harvester, harvesting soft plants such as tea leaves and medicinal plants using harvester still remains a challenge to the farmers. For herbs with leaves and stems that branch off…
The formulated formulation of selected entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) cultured as wettablepowder formulation (Ecosaria). The dried submerged propoguleof EPF comprises of mycelial fragments and conidia formulated together with wetting and dispersant…
Manual oil palm harvesting is laborious and requires eccentric posture, hence its productivity is limited by the physical fitness of the harvester. Fatigue, mainly of muscle, is a major factor that would reduce harvester’s…
Blast disease is one of the major fungal diseases infecting rice production in Malaysia. This disease can cause up to 50% yield loss during severe infestation. The breeding program for development of blast resistant varieties without compromising…
In acid soils, e xcessive amounts of fertilizers are used partly because of nutrients entrapment and low/poor crop yield produce organic amendments from agro wastes which can improve soil quality, crop yield, agronomic, economic, efficiencies, and…
Photosynthesis is a process whereby green plants use light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide, into oxygen and sugar for growth. However, photosynthesis is an inefficient process; only 2-4% of the available energy in light is converted into…
A peeling tool for baby corn processing. -Reduce processing time -Increase productivity Improve quality of processed baby corn due to capability to control the thickness -Safer compared to using knife -Also can be used to process ginger flower and…
VERSMAP is defined as multilayer vertical rectangular shelves with a space in the middle. The frame was made out of galvanized iron and the roof was fitted with sunblock black netting. The multilayer shelves, with 400 litres of water capacity each,…
The present invention relates to fabrication of electrochemical immunosensor for clenbuterol detection in blood, tissue, milk and urine. The current technology uses high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), liquid chromatography-mass…
A software tool that maintain the security, confidentiality and integrity of document files or data shared through the cloud. Motivation: The cloud computing environment is open, dispersed, non-physical, accessible environment that is not suitable…
ULAMs is an attendance management system that can be use to track attendace of lecturers and students inside the classroom. ULAMs is running based on Location-determination technology using Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) signal coverage to…
Blastbuster RS4 is a green technology consisting of an antifungal and growth-promoting preparation for coating plant seeds containing a natural biocontrol agent (BCA) and a natural resin as a sticker. Rice blast is a global fungal disease that…
HAR-Goâ„¢ is a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) board game based on the classic games of Monopoly. The board game is a way to demonstrate the challenges that a HACCP team leader to encounter in order to develop and…
Ethoshuntâ„¢ is a new and original invention with new level of functionality, learning venue, value, experience and convenience. The invention promotes creativity in teaching and learning activities in Educational setting through unique…
This web based learning project is developed to enable user to learn Basic Japanese language vocabularies and grammar using e-learning platform application. Moreover, e-learning not only allows knowledge to be accessed anywhere, any time, and by…
The present invention of BANALOP relates to a green banana peeler used for peeling the Nipah banana skin (Musa acuminata balbisiana). Manual process is laborious and time consuming and can damage the pulp if not handle correctly. The invention…
COPMOS provides in-depth information about construction personnel, trends and challenges of the construction industry in Malaysia. Information in COPMOS is based on the findings of the Human Capital Management Study in the Construction Industry in…
The purpose of this presentation is to project the potential of date seeds as a sustainable alternative to coffee for health-conscious consumers in incorporating functional foods and beverages in their routine diet. Plants based functional foods and…
The invention is a rapid and sensitive LAMP assay with specific primers for detecting multiples meat spp. for food authentication or adulteration. It can detect DNA of three meat spp.; rat, cat and dog which are yet to be available in the rountine…
The present invention relates to a method to fabricate a multi-layered composition as an electrode material for energy storage. The composition is an electrically conductive multi-layered nanocomposition assembly comprising multilayers having a…
Disclosed is an organo-mineral fertilizer and method to manufacture thereof. The method includes steps of treating liquid palm oil mill effluent (POME) and will produce the organo-mineral fertilizer by using a shaking or a spray mechanism. Granular…
ROTADISC is a centrifugal separator designed to separate mesocarp fibers from kernel seeds (nuts) prior to oil extraction. It is equiped with rotating disc plate which is used to create a centrifugal force. Consequently, this centrifugal force…
The present invention relates to the manufacture of modified Metroxylon sagu (sago) starch through double modification processes of acetylation and crosslinking. Our invention showed that the resistant starch produced through chemical modification…
SargaPrebio powder (Sargassum Prebiotic powder): Use of seaweed as feed enhancer for aquatic animals
This innovation relates to the Prebiotic potentials of Marine macro-seaweeds, especially brown macro-algae Sargassum polycystum. It can be used as prebiotic food, feed additive or feed supplement especially for the young ( fry and…
DISLEKSIABELAJAR (Fono-Eja-Baca-Tulis) in as application that was developed specifically for students with dyslexia to learn Malay language using mobile-based technology. The development of the application utilized font, colour and syllabus that…
The invention relates to a process of oil/water mixture separation assisted by a vacuum system inside the vessel. The concept of this practice is in accordance with the difference in specific gravity where liquid with lowest specific gravity will be…
The current hologram pyramid offers on hologram display without any real time interaction to the visual content. While it is exciting to view holographic content but without interaction it will be less functional. Since it is difficult to use the…
An organic fertiliser formulated to control basal stem rot (BSR) disease, which is common in oil palm caused by the fungus Ganoderma (Ganoderma boninensis, G. miniatocinctum, and G. zonatum). It is produced using fertiliser technology; and able to…
A method for synthesizing molybdenum-vanadium-tellurium-niobium oxide by sequential microwave irradiation, comprising the steps of irradiating a polar solvent in microwave; adding precursors of molybdenum, vanadium, tellurium and niobium…
The cutter employs vibration mechanism to accomplished the harvester activity. The vibration is created either using the linear oscillatory actuator or a rotational motor. The mechanical spring is use in linear oscillatory actuator to improve the…
The present invention discloses an antimicrobial, antioxidant and natural preservative comprising of palm-derived carotenoid rich oil, including but not limited to, red palm oil and it’s fractions that could be in the form of whole…
This invention is directed to devices and methods for the process of producing dried biofertilizer pellets. The present invention describes a method to pelletize dried sewage sludge as presently manufactured by municipalities or companies from…
SAPPUTRA is a Nano emulsion formulation which consists of plantbased active ingredient. The formulation contains nanoemulsion of crude by weight and is made from vegetable based oil. The surfactant is from castor oil ethoxylate; and it uses less…
Excellent Accelerator Grounded Learning Environment known as E.A.G.L.E Table is a visualisation tool for quickly developing comprehension of scientific research requirements. It is a testedand proven technique to expedite comprehension of thesis…
Real Time Oil Palm Grading System provides classification mechanism for oil palm FFB, based on fruit external features such as color, texture, thorn and empty socket. It is designed with specific illumination system and can be used for different…
The product is eco-friendly / environment- friendly and a green product for Ground Conductivity Enhancing Material. Non toxic substance exist in the chemical composition of the material.
It is a paddy seed treatment to enhance rapid seed germination for direct seeding plants which enhances seed germination by 90%, reduces the growth of weeds that resemble paddy plants and helps in economising water use in paddy field areas. Classification
Plants, fungi and even secretions from animals are rich sources of chemical compounds/phytochemicals with medicinal properties. Many of these have been used by indigenous people for various diseases e.g. diabetes, bites & stings, cancer, etc… Classification
Computed Tomography Artificial Intelligence Detection for Atherosclerosis (CTAID-A) model, is a product introduced to classify atherosclerotic plaque quantitatively as the main cause of human mortality attributed to heart disease or… Classification
TutorKAY@Home is a one stop centre for hiring physical tutors. We provide a website/apps where parents and tutors can log in and request what they need. These tutors may not be qualified teachers, but more of an assistant for us during online… Classification
a unique creation handcrafted by the brilliant minds of a students |
Remaja lazimnya terlibat dengan pelbagai aktiviti sekolah yang padat dan sentiasa terdedah dengan sinaran matahari. Perubahan hormon dan terdedah kepada kotoran dan peluh mendorong kebanyakan remaja mengalami masalah kulit seperti… Classification
The school mainly consists of male students/teenagers with the age in range of 13 to 17 years old and thus, most of them are experiencing hormonal changes symptoms. Due to this, excessive oily sebum is generated by their skin. The sebum interacts… Classification
Inovasi produk merupakan salah satu cara bag meningkatkan penambahbaikan dalam produk di sesuatu kawasan. Pelbagai jenis produk dapat diinovasikan seperti inovasi produk makanan, elektronik, kosmetik, fesyen, pertanian dan… Classification
Malaysia has been labeled as one of the top 15 global aquaculture sources and plays a significant role in supplying domestic and foreign demands for affordable protein food. However, this sector is usually threatened with various infections and… Classification
Fleur freshener is a product that helps remove bad odour and it also can act as a bug/insects repellent. Other than that, it can also act as an aromatherapy with the smell that blooms out from the freshener. Classification
Invasive fish species have become the main reason for the loss of biodiversity in aquatic habitats and have numerous effects on native fish and aquatic systems not only in Malaysia but globally. Not only have effects ecologically, the presence of… Classification