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e-Fire Fighting Maintenance Care

Prototype fa-solid fa-pen-fancy orange
Reg. ID : 13176


The goal of this system is to promoting digital transformation by establish an online notification and record keeping system of firefighting maintenance work in a building. This system is specially designed for preventive maintenance for fire alarm, fire extinguisher and hose reel in the Academic Block of Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi MARA Sri Gading. In preventive maintenance works, firefighting system are inspected manually, guided with a checklist that detailed all list of tasks that must be completed for each inspection routine. Formerly, the findings from the inspection will be recorded in paper and keep in a physical file. With the advance technology, a paperless system might be use to promote better record keeping system. This system come with additional function of an automated notification system. An email is set to remind the appointed person when the inspection routine is required. The appointed person will receive an email with the checklist needed. Simply, the appointed person can use the checklist through their mobile phone while perform the inspection routine and recorded the finding through the link. All recorded findings will be stored in online platform.


Fire is one of the hazards to a building. Fire can possibly completely destroy a structure only in hours. Regarding to this, in each building should have fire prevention system or equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire alarm and hose reel and the installed system must be well maintained. Building maintenance culture is highly important nowadays. Maintenance work is very important work for a building to give the building a long -term stay in good condition. It also saves money or budget to replace new equipment for damaged parts. It is a responsible to make sure the system is working in the occurrence of the fire. The challenges to maintain the functionality of the system is the commitment in performing the preventive maintenance works. Preventive maintenance work includes routine inspection that follow a list of tasks. A log should be kept to keep track of all preventive maintenance work. The main purpose of this system is to create an online notification and record keeping system for firefighting maintenance in Academic Block, KKTM Sri Gading. Recognizing the importance of maintenance work, a reminder system to help maintenance teams by reminding them of their maintenance routines. Academic Block is 3-storey buildings that contained with lecture and lecturer's room. This block is equipped with three types of firefighting system which are fire extinguisher, fire alarm and hose reel system at every floor. Preventative maintenance routine for firefighting is planned four times per year for example; in every March, June, September and December. In every inspection routine, a checklist for every system are used. The checklist contained a detailed list of tasks, that required to be fulfilled by the appointed person in order to check the system is in good order and function.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Amirul Syafiq bin Rusli 016-7017970
Tengku Irni Nazlia binti Tengku Ibrahim
Norfadlina Binti Md Khir
Siti Yuzlina binti Abdul Mutalib
Pazlina binti Mohd Raba'i


Award Title Award Achievement Award Year Received
Malaysia technology expo - 2023


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