Biztory provides simplified billing experience for SMEs to issue invoice, collect payment, inventory control, cashflow forecasting, automated book-keeping at affordable pricing.
Warrantzen is a secured cloud based system that unify the warranty systems for both online and offline purchase. Revenue generated from extended warranty commission. Most important, our secret sauce is Data-as-a-service. Our business will be…
Niagawan Plus is a personalised accounting platform made for micro and small businesses. Priced at RM 99-399 / year, we made it customisable to the meet the requirements for micro-small business to adopt and adapt. In first year, we have 3000 paid…
Gocloud Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd is a Tier 2 MSC status company located in Bandar Sunway that aims to provide SaaS systems for various verticals. We are a 2 staff team (Daniel and myself) managing the overall development of the system.
Description provides end to end e-procurement features in the cloud platform which every large organisation needs and we integrated it with our own marketplace to provide a simplistic e-commerce shopping experience for corporate purchases with…
RunCloud is a modern web server panel for cloud servers such as AWS (Amazon Web Service), Google Cloud Platform, Alibaba Cloud, and other VPS hosting. In short, RunCloud is a development tool for web developers to simplify the process of configuring…
Senangpay is an end to end insurance technology platform solely focused to reduce problem in the general insurance industry. It targets SME through the B2B2C Game. The API technology is the key differentiation factor to enter into new economy.
GuruRealiti designs and develops 3D visualization platform that captures, stores, manipulates, analyzes, manages, and presents geographic data that can be rapidly deployed and relatively easy to use by corporate clients and relevant authorities. The…
Peer to peer subscription business model to solve the problem. Via the sharing economy and ParkIt, owners who do not use their space now can rent it out to people who needs them nearby.
Pharmacy Department at University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) has introduced medication delivery by post since 2010 under the unit called ‘PharmCARE'. This service aims to address congestion and long waiting time at the Outpatient Pharmacy and… Classification
SalesCandy instantly route leads to the salespeople's phones directly. Unattended leads will be automatically rerouted to the next available salesperson after 45 seconds. It tracks various actionable metrics and instantly audits every lead status… Classification
A legacy/end-of-life planning platform and marketplace. Bereev will kickstart an open conversation about life/death in every household, help us understand what that entails and guide our preparations for the inevitable
A booking platform offering pregnancy related services for pregnant mothers and mothers in confinement. The services includes (but not limited to) antenatal classes, post natal therapy, traditional Malay massage, baby massage, newborn baby care,…
Internet-based social expression and personal photo-printing service provider that enables consumers to share, print and preserve their memories by leveraging the technology, production and personalized design capabilities (produce photo albums…
An app that fully integrate the user sports experience before, during and after the game that consists of platform for registration, marketing, player profiles & highlights, leagues, tournaments, pickup sessions on ground, corporate wellness…
BiiB believe in creating fun, safe, and motivating running environment to make running a habit for the people in ASEAN. We are creating such environment by making our product easy to use, locally connected and full of motivating challenges and races.
An ultra-moisturizing cream formulated with full spectrum vitamin E complementing with other ingredients in a balance blend to repair despaired skin conditions without involving the use steroid.
My-Iono merupakan sistem pemantauan ionofera dalam bentuk webbased yang memberikan informasi berkenaan kondisi ionosfera di Malaysia dalam masa hampir nyata (near real time). Ionosfera merupakan lapisan berion dalam atmosfera bumi yang kondisinya…
An online personal lending platform that provides the underserved fast, simple, safe and affordable access to credit. The platform provides an end-to-end financing service to borrowers, from finding out loan from the financing partners that they are…
SHE Empire Sdn. Bhd., a spin-off company of UTM has been developing a range of cosmetics and wellness products. The extensive study has begun in 2011 discovered that Roselle extract contains huge potential. A brand named Naturel Kiss focussed on…
Membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan menguruskan aduan dengan lebih berkesan, sistematik dan cekap dalam usaha meningkatkan kualiti penyampaian perkhidmatan kerajaan tempatan kepada masyarakat
Smart Facility (SMF) adalah salah satu modul SmartCity service engine yang dibangunkan menggunakan teknologi geospatial. SMF membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan menguruskan fasiliti di bawah seliaan mereka dengan lebih berkesan, sistematik dan cekap…
According to the ASPEN (2016) and ESPEN (2019) guidelines, Indirect calorimetry (IC) is the gold standard for measuring resting energy expenditure (REE) of critically ill patients. However, IC is not widely employed in Asia. This is because of… Classification
The lack of a suitable positioning device has increased the retake rate of foot X-Rays among polytrauma patients at Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur. As foot injuries are common among emergency requests, maintaining and… Classification
General Radiography is an essential medical imaging examination that produces images of the internal structures and extremities to assist in the diagnosis. The knee X-Ray skyline view is among the common requests, constituting 13% of the medical… Classification
The present invention relates to a method for producing directly compressible sago starch characterized by the steps of: heating and stirring an aqueous slurry comprising 10-25% w/v sago starch at a temperature of 60 - 68°C with stirring for 50… Classification
A data warehouse system for management of ecological data relating to tropical lakes and wetlands, comprising a data acquisition unit managed by an administrator, functioned to import the ecological data from a plurality of sub-databases; a database…
The present invention relates to a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor for performing logical functions. The complementary metal-oxide semiconductor comprises a wafer, an oxide layer, an interfacial layer and a plurality of metal terminals. The…
The present invention relates to a system for administering a sports match and more particularly to a system by incorporating several subsystems to administer a football matches through a wireless hand-held device and monitored through a central…
The present invention relates to a communication device for a person with communication impairment comprising: a base; a display screen; a plurality of functional blocks; an enclosure coupled to the base; and characterized by: a digital audio…
A method for producing an aqueous sugar solution from cellulosic materials comprising the steps of heating ground cellulosic materials with perchloric acid; neutralizing the heated materials with an alkali to yield a salt precipitate; and filtering…
The present invention provides a bottle replenishing tool for lifting, conveying, and invertably positioning a water bottle onto a water dispenser, the bottle replenishing tool includes: a) a supporting structure adapted for supporting, transporting…
The present invention relates to a brazed diamond tool comprising a plurality of layers, characterized by: a plurality of diamond particles coated with a transition metal; at least two porous metal foam layers sandwiching the plurality of diamond…
The present invention relates to a biosensor for detecting and characterising a biological material. The biosensor detects and characterises the biological material based on its electronic properties. The biosensor comprises at least two electrodes…
The present invention relates to a composition for use in packaging. More particularly, the present invention relates to a biopolymer-based nanocomposite, an article of manufacture and a method of production thereof. The biopolymer-based…
Healing process of skin or ulceration underneath a patch should not be eventful, and it must allow new tissue regeneration. The use of non-resorbable patch for skin coverings may lead to the patch being difficult to remove sometimes, causing pain… Classification
A new practical product by Ekonomi Muslim Zakat Islam (EMZI) Holding Sdn. Bhd. Neloco is a mixed cocoa beverage powder with Walet's bird nest. This product contains of Walet's bird nest, honey, black seed, chia seed, chocolate, turmeric extract and…