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LoRa Optimization for Peatland Monitoring

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Reg. ID : 16335


IoT system for peatland monitoring using LoRa technology as a wireless communication between sensor (i.e. piezometer) on the ground and Gateway. The model is optimised to a peatland forest scenario, where the foliage and terrain is unique and Line of Sight (LoS) cannot be guaranteed. LoRa is known as a wireless communication technology for IoT, but its data rate and bandwidth can be compromised in a dense forest scenario. This study has tackled this issue by adapting the transmission parameters to the propagation model of the peatland forest.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Aduwati Sali 03-62030652

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Copyright LY2021W06053


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