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Real-Time Image-Based Emergency Notification System (RIENS)

Healthcare and Medical Devices las la-heartbeat green
Ideation fa-brands fa-ideal blue
Reg. ID : 17488


The Real-Time Image-Based Emergency Notification System (RIENS) is a system that combines an action detection system and real-time Apps notifier system. The primary purpose of this system is to reduce caretakers' burden in monitoring the users and optimize the emergency resources. The working principle of the RIENS is to detect human actions, specifically focusing on identifying signals or S.O.S postures from the users and automatically notifying the caretaker or authorities. In the meantime, this notifier system is also designed to reduce the distress call at the emergency call center to increase the dispatch efficiency of the emergency responses. In addition, the system can reduce the burden of the caretakers, especially for home nursing, office workers, and hospital. The system can be implemented at the home nursing home, house, hospital, public area, etc.


The Real-Time Image-Based Emergency Notification System (RIENS) is using the human detection algorithms to identify the presence of a human, and analyzes the detected action to determine if matched any predefined S.O.S postures. These postures are trained into the system, allowing it to recognize specific signals that indicate an emergency or distress situation. When the system identifies a possible S.O.S. posture signal from the user, it transmits this information to the notifier system. The notifier system is designed not only to alert the emergency call center about distress situations but also to reduce the number of unnecessary distress calls. The notifier consists basic information about the user, including their medical history and predefined emergency contact, the system allows the emergency call center to gain a better understanding of the situation before dispatching emergency responders. With this additional information, the emergency call center can assess the severity of the situation and determine the appropriate response. If the situation does not require immediate emergency assistance, the center can provide alternative guidance or support to the user, potentially avoiding the need for dispatching emergency responders. This helps optimize the allocation of emergency resources and increases the efficiency of emergency responses. In summary, the RIENS incorporating features such as medical history, user information, and real-time emergency alerts and utilize the mobile technology to enable users to access the system and send distress signal when needed, meanwhile improve the emergency response and reduce the caretakers' burden in monitoring the patients. This system will offer convenience, accessibility, and real-time communication for users in distress.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
CHAN BUN SENG 0167258471


Award Title Award Achievement Award Year Received
Medical And Health Sciences MTE 2023 2023


Additional Document

Attachment Saiz
RIENS poster.pdf (3.36 MB) 3.36 MB


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