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UTeM Antenna

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Reg. ID : 17319


UTeM antenna that are form by Meander Line Antenna (MLA) have been designed to operate at 2.4-GHz which are specified by IEEE 802.11b/g for WLAN. The characteristic impedance of Meander Line Antenna is 75 ohm with antenna width of 1.3mm which can produce a smaller size of antenna. An investigation to UTeM antenna has been done for the vertical part by changing it from left to right side, increasing the angle degree of parasitic a, and combination of different antenna width. Microwave Studio CST is used for simulation for both planar and micro strip antenna. The horizontal length h for meander line is 25mm, antenna width is 1.3mm and parasitic radius is 25mm. by adding parasitic element, a better returns loss can be achieved. As the angle degree of parasitic a is increased, the frequency has a small changes and the bandwidth increased from 48 to 70MHz but the directivity seems to decrease from 9.64dBi as the angle degree increase from 30 to 270 degree(for planner antenna). The antenna is fabricated on a double-sided FR-4 printed circuit board using and etching technique.

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Mohamad Zainol Abidin Abd Aziz


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