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Transformerless Uninterruptible Power Supply System

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Reg. ID : 16957


An uninterruptible power supply system for use in an electric power circuit includes a three-phase pulse width modulation rectifier portion for converting an alternating current from the electric power circuit to a direct current, a rechargeable battery unit capable of storing and discharging electric energy, a bidirectional battery charger and discharger circuit portion connected to the three-phase pulse width modulation rectifier portion and the rechargeable battery unit and a three-phase inverter portion connected to the bidirectional battery charger and discharger circuit portion for converting a direct current from the rechargeable battery unit to an alternating current of desired parameter values. The uninterruptible power supply system is configured to automatically switch between a grid mode of operation and a battery mode of operation, delivering a steady electric energy to a load circuit.

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Um Centre Of Innovation And Enterprise (Umcie) 013-2250151 / 03-79677351


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