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Redesign of Nail Clipper Through BD Design for Assembly Methodology

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Reg. ID : 17285


The main objective is to redesign the existing nail clipper by reducing the part count and come with additional new feature. In a product design, part count is a major influencing factor when considering the assembly efficiency. The DFA method starts with the analysis to rate each component on its ease of orientation and assembly of an existing nail clipper design. In the original design, six components need to be analyzed to optimize manufacturing cost. Through the methodology, the redesign helps to simplify the design and reduce the part count into three components. From the simplification approach, the cost estimation can be carried out. It predicts the cost of the product before a great deal of capital resources have been consumed in the design where in this work, 50% of parts of reduction will help tremendously. This explain the conceptual design using BD???s DFA helps to identify potential saving that manufacturing people need to be implemented especially in this economic downturn.

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Ismail Abu Shah


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