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Myiecs (My Intelligent Electric Cost System)

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Reg. ID : 17267


Nowadays, electricity becomes very essential to human being. The importance of electricity usage on humans daily life cannot be denied. In line with the rapidity of development and application of science and technology, the demand towards electricity is increasing per annum. Therefore, the cost of electricity supplying services increase proportionally with the demand. Due to those importances, e-learning software has been developed which is capable to compute the cost of electricity in peninsular Malaysia, called MyIECs which is stand for My Intelligent Electric Cost System In order to develop MyIECs, two graphical programming language have been used, which are Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0and Macromedia Flash 8.0. Both languages are very practical to use where user is allowed to interact with them in friendly manner. Approaches used in MyIECs such as buttons and graphic animation are good to ease user and attract them to use the software. Through MyIECs, a few analysis have been covered to strengthen the objectives of the project software including how certain factors influenced tariff rates, the variety of electric user, the function and structure of energy meter and also some methods on energy saving practices. As the result from this MyIECs, it would help user to enhance their knowledge on electric cost calculation and other related topics inside the software.

Contact Person/Inventor

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Aida Fazliana Abd Kadir


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