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A Method For Synthesizing Nanoionic Sodium Zincsilicate

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Reg. ID : 17028


A method for synthesizing a monolithic sodium zincsilicate that has a particle size of less than 100 nm that may be used to produce a solid electrolyte for sodium ion battery applications A reduced particle size of sodium zincsilicate improves the ionic conductivity of sodium zincsilicate and therefore, results in an improved battery performance . This is achieved by processing a sodium zincsilicate precursor into a discrete particles thereof and further subjecting the parti cles to a sintering process. The method in the present invention differs from conventional methods as it uses a combination of chemical reactions followed by a sintering process that utilizes lower temperature compared to those of conventional methods. High temperature treatment to produce sodium zincsilicate is undesirable as it causes agglomeration of the particles

Contact Person/Inventor

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Um Centre Of Innovation And Enterprise (Umcie) 013-2250151 / 03-79677351

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Copyright LY2018005918


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