The map drawing robot was designed for the sake of diving into the robot positoning argument. The robot was using LEGO Mindstorms, which consists of NXT-controller, servo motors, ultra sonic sensors, light sensor and assembled with the LEGO parts. The actual map that will be drawn by the robot is made of walls and corners. The robot shall follow the wall and make approxiamately 90 turns at every corner. The wall following task is done by using the range sensors whilst the servo motors are used fro turning movement and distance measeurement. Subsequently, all the mesured data is saved in NXT brick memory, then dump into the Visual Basic written software. The data collected in degree is converted to centimeter in order to enable the map drawing. The actual map ca be visualized via visual basic whilst the parameter of the map can be calculated as well. The applications of the map drawing robot are to measure the size of a classroom, a bedroom, a a hall and many more.