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Design Of Hybrid Power Supply For Home Appliances

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Reg. ID : 17281


In this project, a design of Hybrid Power Supply is proposed for home application. The motivation of this project is that the hybrid method is becoming more popular method for automation and robotic application. In the near future, the hybrid method will be a useful method, because it can save a lot of energy by using it. For the project hybrid fundamentals will be implementing to create a power supply. This power supply will have two sources that is a solar panel and also a normal supply that is a plug point supply (240V 50Hz). The power supply will supply an output of 12V and also can stand until 3Amp of current. In built this project there is 4 major part need to be build. There is solar panel controller circuit, low voltage detector circuit, switching circuit and a voltage regulator circuit. This project will provide a 12DC output because it purposely creates for an automation system. Usually the automation system are using electronic part and it need DC supply to make the circuit function.

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Hyreil Anuar Bin Kasdirin


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