Displaying 51 - 73 of 73
An auto thermal steam reforming catalyst for hydrogen production from methanol Cu-Zn-Al promoted with various concentrations of vanadia and supported on Alumina is invented. The catalyst are prepared by co-precipitation. The composition of the…
This is a system that will recognize and predict the emotional state of an automotive drivers while driving. The system will receive inputs from several sensors including psychophysiological sensors (PPG, skin temperature, GSR, blood pressure, ECG…
Tris-(1-Carboxyl-2-Phenyl-1, 2-Ethylenodithiolenic-S,S?)Tungsten is found to be good photocatalyst for photolysis of water. A new molecule with three dithiolene groups and three benzene groups was synthesized. Both groups are good in absorbing solar…
The present invention relates in general to Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices but more particularly to packaged MEMS devices with polysilicon encapsulation.
A public toilet that uses zero energy and a eco-green public stand alone lavatory for the building industry market. The innovation is unique that provides maximum comfort for in-house habitation,sustainable,low energy as well as providing for…
A new system that uses water based solar collector incorporating, storage, regeneration and generation adsorption columns has been developed. The drying chamber has been maintained at a much stable temperature and humidity for high quality drying.…
Tris-[1-Carboxyl-2-Phenyl-1, 2-Ethylenodithiolenic-S,S] Tungsten is found to be a good photocatalyst for photolysis of water. A new molecule with three dithiolene groups and three benzene groups was synthesised. Both groups are good in absorbing…
Interactive online driver drowsiness detection and early warning system (IDES)
ual splitter plate is an anti vortex device (AVD) designed to suppress swirls and vortices formed near pump suction inlet. It is an improved design of a conventional floor splitter plate which consists of two plates instead of single plate. The…
The invention is a system that been called smart winder. It is a new type of winder that can be used in radiography testing (RT). RT is one of the most used methods in non-destructive testing (NDT). It utilizes Gamma radiation source to check the…
SmartCycle Biofuel is a system that is able to turn food waste into electricity. It utilizes the biogas which is released from food waste and other organic waste to create electricity. First, the food waste is mixed with water to form a… |
Comprehensive three-tier hierarchical voltage control system, with adaptive clustering method to reconfigure control zones. It is made up of hardware and software to provide system-wide optimizion and local control devices of power plants and…
Effective and competitive cost technique to stabilize shallow slope failure. It uses special used tires arranggement and construction with suitable plant to prevent soil erosion. Applicable to slopes along the higway, residential area, along river…
New innovative method using laser to measure realtime post-miling coal particles fineness. It process and issues active control signals for optimizing miling operation
The green bricks were made from sediment of Ringlet reservoir at Cameron Highlands. It using optimum mixture of sediment, concrete, and water that gives equivalant strength with existing sand brick as well as passed 2 hour SIRIM fire resistance test.
The simulator can perform EMT, phasor, and hybrid phasor-EMT simulation. It support various communication protocols icluding IEC61850 and C37.118, and use to evaluate design of controller, protection schemes in controlled environment prior to…
An advanced realtime analytics system with ability to sense, analyse, learn, decide, and responce to changes in power system operations. Applicable to self-healing grids by reducing the risk of system wide blackout with continuous self assessment
NEXCOM Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of composite material. Main Functions; Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The Environmental Sciences friendly structure is light weight, heavy duty,…
NEXC Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of marine grade concrete. Main Functions are for Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The innovative structure is easier, faster, cheaper and more…
N4BERS Turbine - NAHRIM 4-Function Structure (Breakwater - EnergyGenerator - ReefREstorer- SandTrap)
N4BERS Turbine is a renewable energy coastal turbine device generating power from tidal and current. The turbine can also be used in rivers and stream especially at remote areas areas. Pilot project was in Marang coast, Terengganu.
NAHRIM Coastal Bin functions as debris collector located at river mouth to control marine plastic pollution made from recylce plastic. The system provides sustainable ecosystem from debris trap, collection and recycle within local communities. Pilot…
WABCORE is a composite system of concrete units, designed to protect coastal erosion and at the same time create an environment conductive for the growth of marine life. It was design with dual purpose and provides an alternative to the conventional…
NAHRIM marine lamp is a renewable energy lamp device generated by sea water through electrolysis process. Alternatively salt water and mineral water are also sufficient for electric power generation.