IIMMPACT focuses on mobile recharge, bill payments, croos border transfer, transportation and more. IIMMPACT aims to give their customers the best deal at the best price. Customer can get up to 10% discount every time they use IIMMPACT app.
Arteca Sdn Bhd designs and creates affordable, inventive, creative teaching and learning tools (toys based), in line with STEM Education, and integrating toys based products with the application of technology. The company wants to miniaturize/toying…
Providing a platform to connect travellers and local experts together that serves as a hub for local experts to push their online presence, connect new travellers to their local trades and thus help their businesses. Travellers also benefit from…
CapitalBay is a trade optimisation solution for companies to access receivable financing options. As the first and only Multi-Bank Supply Chain Finance platform licensed by Securities Commissions, we empower companies with the latest technology to…
MoneyMatch is a comprehensive fully digital peer to peer currency exchange and remittance platform with eKYC functionality enabling users to conduct cross-border remittances and exchange foreign currencies.
Speedrent partners with Allianz General Insurance Malaysia to bridge the gap by offering Landlord Insurance. Exclusively through Speedrent, tenant can move in without paying deposit, while at the same time Landlord gets better protection coverage.
SMILED is a cutting-edge software solution created to change dental imaging by tackling significant issues faced by dental professionals. The aim of SMILED is to accurately segment radiolucent lesions in dental radiographs by using cutting-edge… Classification
The Miniaturise RoVision V3.0 is equipped with high-tech Bio inspired artificial intelligence based system. Where the latest design is aspired by the pedal-muscle structure of Escargot and exploited to embedded clip while the Rotatable Rovision… Classification
Easy Pay provides a low cost and robust payment service via a payments platform and deliver economies of scale via their group purchase aggregation service. Their rates are competitive to banks and provides the convenience to their customers.
MARCHBIG is a Digital Membership Platform that enables merchants to increase sales and customer visits via its Customisable Cashback Program and Automated SMS Marketing Tool. It also enables merchants to reach out to new customers by converting…
A dress rental and resale for small businesses and peer-to-peer to perform dress rental and resale transactions by connecting supply and demand users.
Wowintro is an online pre-screening tool and applicant tracking system which enables companies to ask interview questions to potential candidates and receive a video reply all before deciding to call them in for an interview.
An e-Commerce platform that analyse the market, build and validate the right strategic approach and help plan and shape these developments from start to finish. This can include stock management, pricing and promotions, visual merchandising and…
A platform that summarizes the huge news content volume into a single report using scienti??c methodology. The report includes feedback and improvement pointers in re??ning communication strategy. The methodology comprises of four components with…
Biztory provides simplified billing experience for SMEs to issue invoice, collect payment, inventory control, cashflow forecasting, automated book-keeping at affordable pricing.
Warrantzen is a secured cloud based system that unify the warranty systems for both online and offline purchase. Revenue generated from extended warranty commission. Most important, our secret sauce is Data-as-a-service. Our business will be…
Niagawan Plus is a personalised accounting platform made for micro and small businesses. Priced at RM 99-399 / year, we made it customisable to the meet the requirements for micro-small business to adopt and adapt. In first year, we have 3000 paid…
Gocloud Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd is a Tier 2 MSC status company located in Bandar Sunway that aims to provide SaaS systems for various verticals. We are a 2 staff team (Daniel and myself) managing the overall development of the system.
Description provides end to end e-procurement features in the cloud platform which every large organisation needs and we integrated it with our own marketplace to provide a simplistic e-commerce shopping experience for corporate purchases with…
RunCloud is a modern web server panel for cloud servers such as AWS (Amazon Web Service), Google Cloud Platform, Alibaba Cloud, and other VPS hosting. In short, RunCloud is a development tool for web developers to simplify the process of configuring…
Senangpay is an end to end insurance technology platform solely focused to reduce problem in the general insurance industry. It targets SME through the B2B2C Game. The API technology is the key differentiation factor to enter into new economy.
GuruRealiti designs and develops 3D visualization platform that captures, stores, manipulates, analyzes, manages, and presents geographic data that can be rapidly deployed and relatively easy to use by corporate clients and relevant authorities. The…
Peer to peer subscription business model to solve the problem. Via the sharing economy and ParkIt, owners who do not use their space now can rent it out to people who needs them nearby.
SalesCandy instantly route leads to the salespeople's phones directly. Unattended leads will be automatically rerouted to the next available salesperson after 45 seconds. It tracks various actionable metrics and instantly audits every lead status… Classification
During a blood donation drive it is difficult for a staff nurse to monitor five donors simultaneously, which may increase the percentage of the blood exceeding the stipulated volume. This smart blood scale is invented to assist blood collection…
This project is called Automated Cashier System via RFID technology. The Radio Frequency Identification Method (RFID) system is used in developing automated cashier system to automatically calculate amount of the total payment of products in mini…
The objective of this research is to design and develop a cost-saving yet safe building personal lift for up to four storey building. The design analysis carried out is focused and based mainly on identifying the characteristics and limitation of…
The IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol continues to suffer from throughput degradation when directly applied in multihop network such as mesh like topology. This project proposes a set of enhancement to the existing IEEE 802.11 MAC by…
An online personal lending platform that provides the underserved fast, simple, safe and affordable access to credit. The platform provides an end-to-end financing service to borrowers, from finding out loan from the financing partners that they are…
An invention for a camera gadget used to measure the distance between an object from the camera, and the data is saved into an SD card for image processing tool. Currently, the distance between object and camera is measured manually before…
Membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan menguruskan aduan dengan lebih berkesan, sistematik dan cekap dalam usaha meningkatkan kualiti penyampaian perkhidmatan kerajaan tempatan kepada masyarakat
Smart Facility (SMF) adalah salah satu modul SmartCity service engine yang dibangunkan menggunakan teknologi geospatial. SMF membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan menguruskan fasiliti di bawah seliaan mereka dengan lebih berkesan, sistematik dan cekap…
In most cases this is due to the ELCB (earth leakage circuit breaker) or RCD (residual-current device) which is an automatically-operated electrical switch used to disconnect electricity supply when is a fault within the electrical path. It is a…
Trustcrawler is capable in generating the degree of trustworthiness of information. It aims to educate and make the public users aware of the level of trustworthiness of information, hence developing informed and ethical users of media content.
The intelligent Intership System is created for universities to manage the intership process which involving students and companies which is looking for intership students. Nowadays, the normal way to apply intership for a students is very difficult…
The information of club usually speard out all over university and they seemigly do not have any official medium to promote their activities. Some may have social pages on the Internet but that solution is only desirable among their members. The…
This project describes a design and implementation of software environment using MATLAB R2006A for simulating and visualizing high performance helicopter systems. The environment also accommodates data exchange. The design used MATLAB as a platform…
This product presents new method and technique to adjust the position of microphone on its stand automatically. The proposed method is operated by triggering the two sensors at the rostrum to detect the presence and height of the spokesman. The…
Nowadays, LCD display system had widely been used such as at shopping complex, highway, railway stations, airport and even at traffic light junction. But all of them still depend on the pc connection and its need the operator to update the…
This project presents the mechanism and design of a humanoid robotic hand with a data gloves remote control. It combines the robotic hand and data gloves which are fixed with flex-sensors as sensation of the human hand movement. A PIC…
Malay text readability test tool is an online system developed to assist readers in knowing the score of a Malay text in the quickest way. It is developed to fulfill the needs of readers who may struggle to read as there is no available tool that…
Nowadays, wireless is one of our necessary and were developed for fulfill its applications. Wireless is normally used to refer to any type of electrical or electronic operation which is accomplished without the use of a hard wired connection.…
This working prototype of mobile security robot is capable of patrolling an area without human interaction and provide feedback of the state of its surrounding when it detects the intruders motion. It can replace humans or animals as guards to…
Downtime of machines in productions may result capacity loss, poor product quality, customer dissatisfaction and Environmental Sciences impact.The most frequent questions asked during the breakdown is how long the repair activities will take place.…
This project has designed a prototype of an effective parking system in FKE, UTeM using a PIC microcontroller. The system will calculate cars entering the car parking lot and display a system to give directions to an empty space with an LCD display…
This innovation is concerning My IOT-Powered Plugs. The plugs are able to communicate with each other to control and monitor the power consumption of a building. In addition, a group of IOT-Powered Plugs can be controlled by the agent-based cloud…
New development in the design of bandstop filters are essential to meet the ever increasing demands on suppression of unwanted signal. SIW share the same characteristics as conventional rectangular waveguide. Low cost, high attenuation, high q-…
The smart shopping assistant app is developed to assist shoppers to choose the best store that offer competitive price. It works by showing all the prices from community update. This app applies an image processing technique known as ocr to quickly…
PRSS can be operated by one person from anywhere and at anytime. Users can customise the sensors spatial and spectral resolution accordingly. It is autonomous and can be triggered from a smartphone. Images are transmitted from UAVs sensor to laptop…
The concept of Behaviorism Learning Theory is used in producing a courseware for autism children. Drill and Practices is chosen in developing the mathematics courseware to learn numbers. This Educational courseware will profit the moderate level of…