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An Electrolyser Arrangement

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Reg. ID : 16887


An electrolyser arrangement comprising a water electrolyser having a plurality of electrode plates arranged side-by-side in alternate polarities and each of which is separated by a membrane, at least one aqueous electrolyte inlet, a cathodic outlet, and an anodic outlet; and a U-shaped arrangement, the legs of which each represents a gas receiving chamber, one for receiving hydrogen-containing liquid from the cathodic outlet and the other for receiving oxygen-containing liquid from the anodic outlet, at least one chamber has an inlet receiving liquid from the cathodic or anodic outlet at a point above an electrolyte inlet and a top gas outlet, the bottom of the U-shaped arrangement having at least one outlet feeding electrolyte-containing water to the aqueous electrolyte inlet.

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Um Centre Of Innovation And Enterprise (Umcie) 013-2250151 / 03-79677351


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