by UCSI University in Prototype
CinnaFresh is an innovative bio-renewable and sustainable active packaging that preserves fresh-cut produce quality through enzymatic browning and fungal inhibitions. It is produced by using biodegradable and sustainable cellulose acetate as the… |
by UCSI University in Prototype
Every age group strives for good skin. The face serum has been the optimal topical formulation for delivering active ingredients to the skin. However, the synthetic materials used in these led to skin irritations, redness, and itching. The… Classification
SmartCycle Biofuel is a system that is able to turn food waste into electricity. It utilizes the biogas which is released from food waste and other organic waste to create electricity. First, the food waste is mixed with water to form a… |
One of the important data needed to assess water related disaster is the water level at the water resources, where obtaining data from such places involve manual labor. Here, a sensory device for reading the water level in real-time and supplying…
Equipped with high precision calibrated sensors (e.g. ammonia, TDS, EC) to sustain irrigation conditions to the required technical aspect Predictive Analytics to predict harvesting/production of Lobster Predictive Analytics Machine Learning to…
Complete Protection Against Mercury Exposure Hazards from Broken Thermometers in the school, hospital and laboratory
The smart checklist is developed using an open source web technology and it is accessible online. This system is capable to facilitate and guide home owners to inspect the house defects by using smartphones. Data captured from this system are stored…
Kit to convert manual wheelchair to electric powered wheelchair. Consists of two electric motors, battery, joystick and tire.