by UCSI University in Prototype
CinnaFresh is an innovative bio-renewable and sustainable active packaging that preserves fresh-cut produce quality through enzymatic browning and fungal inhibitions. It is produced by using biodegradable and sustainable cellulose acetate as the… |
RAS system with a concept of backyard technology. It’s believed more reliable to be developed for the use of local operators, as it is less expensive compared to technology purchased from abroad. This invention has to improve marine…
The basic objective of preserving spermatozoa is to reduce sperm motility during storage especially Tiger grouper and Giant grouper. An important component of this study is the suitability of concentrations of each type of salts that were used in…
Related to a medicated feed to improve the marine fish health as well as fish growth. The garlic extract was incorporated into the commercial fish pellet, air dried and given to the marine fish according to the standard feeding regiment.
Alat ini direka khas bagi membantu kerja-kerja pembenihan di hatcheri. Sebelum inovasi, pengendalian ikan untuk tujuan pembenihan dilakukan dengan cara memegang induk dan ini memerlukan tenaga kerja yang mahir dan ramai. Kerja sebegini bertambah…
Water sampling device comprising: a hollow cylindrical container (100) having two open end; a holder (102) is attached at a surface of the hollow cylindrical container (100) for holding the hollow cylindrical container (100); a ring (104) is tied by…
The basic objective of sperm-pump is to avoid the milt mixed to the foreign substances especially during sperm collecting process especially Tiger grouper and Giant grouper. An important component of this study is the suitability of containers and…
The present invention relates generally to a circulated high-density production of rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) to replace the dosing pump. The device comprising a long shape arylic flasks, food channel passage, food adjusters and ventilation…
The present invention relates to a water filtration device for use in a closed recirculation culture system that is efficient for remove particulate from water and prevent clogging of a filter. The device mainly comprises a filter body, a central…
by UCSI University in Prototype
Every age group strives for good skin. The face serum has been the optimal topical formulation for delivering active ingredients to the skin. However, the synthetic materials used in these led to skin irritations, redness, and itching. The… Classification
Healing process of skin or ulceration underneath a patch should not be eventful, and it must allow new tissue regeneration. The use of non-resorbable patch for skin coverings may lead to the patch being difficult to remove sometimes, causing pain… Classification