Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
The present invention relates to a mobile robot with a controller having capable of movement in a given environment which can perform desired tasks and navigate in unstructured environments without continuous human guidance, comprising; robot module…
The present invention relates to a method of imitation learning of a robotic companion through self-exploration characterised by the steps of: generating random movements of the robots body and associating the produced action with its effect…
According to an aspect of the invention, a knee synovial fluid measurement method is disclosed. The method includes identifying a suitable knee brace. Compression features of the brace are checked. The method further includes designing a knee…
The present invention relates to a method for controlling microbial growth of a 5 banana plant, a microbial control agent and a method for producing said microbial control agent. Said microbial control agent comprises of Bacillus salmalaya strain…
The present invention discloses a method for selecting football players from a group of player candidates comprises the steps of: receiving, by an input module, inputs relating to the information of the player candidates; receiving, by the input…
The present invention discloses a method for producing a balanced fertile soil system comprising steps of constructing a dug cavity and filling the dug cavity with six different layers of sustainable natural resources which indicated by reference…
According to the first aspect of the present invention, there is provided to a method for forming a plurality of fiber Bragg gratings in a plurality of optical fibers. The second aspect of the present invention relates to a fiber-based system. The…
The present invention disclosed a multilayer core optical fiber, ML-COF to improve the radiation dose sensitivity for low dose dosimetry applications consist of multilayer fiber, characterized in that the layers consist of doped layers separated by…
A dual flow wind turbine is disclosed to harvest wind from two cross axis. The wind turbine comprises three vertical airfoil blades driven by two sets of three horizontal airfoil blades. The horizontal blades serve as radial arms that link the…
This invention provides a method for photocatalytic treatment of wastewater and system thereof. The method described herein is carried out in a reactor comprising: a light source; a solid rod having spaced thread profile that swirls helically along…
Novel method and apparatus for profiling dna specimen using electronics is described. The method comprises: providing a metal layer; providing a dna specimen layer adjacent to metal layer to form schottky junction; providing forward bias voltage to…
The school mainly consists of male students/teenagers with the age in range of 13 to 17 years old and thus, most of them are experiencing hormonal changes symptoms. Due to this, excessive oily sebum is generated by their skin. The sebum interacts… Classification
Fabrication of combat helmet with enhanced properties was developed by incorporating nanocellulose as an additive in the composites. High mechanical strength of the cellulose nanocomposite was achieved due its crystallinity and multi-scale…
The present invention relates to method to substitute second step affinity chromatography with ion exchange chromatography by site-directed mutagenesis at downstream region of GST sequences (H215R and G213R). This is to enable to diferentiate the…
Inovasi yang dihasilkan iaitu alat inkubator telur TEI4 yang bertindak sebagai alat untuk mengeramkan telur tilapia menggantikan fungsi pengeraman yang berlaku di dalam mulut induk betina. Alat ini adalah mudah alih dengan kos yang mampu milik oleh…
This system is design to assist authorities in managing solid waste illegal dumping in Malaysia. The system is a web based programme of geotagging platform which is able to report, alert and responds any incidents on illegal dumping using smart…