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Mechatronics Trainer With Mobile Robot Application

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Reg. ID : 17400


Most Educational institutions tend to purchase lab equipments from local and international manufacturers where these equipments are normally extremely expensive especially the imported equipments from overseas. While ironically the staffs themselves, lectures and technicians have the capabilities and expertise to produce the same standard of equipment if not better. Therefore, this project has been done in order to proof that the lab equipments can be constructed in a cheaper price where the features of the equipments can be determined and specified more correctly, suit to the real requirements. The scope of this research project is to design and construct a mechatronics trainer accompanied with teaching modules and a mobile robot which can be used together with the trainer and modules. The idea is that students can program the PIC microcontroller first on the trainer, check the reliability by using simple sensors and actuators that are available on the trainers, and then place the PIC microcontroller on the mobile robot to do its task after their programs have been verified.

Contact Person/Inventor

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Ahmad Zaki Bin Hj Shukor


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