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Hexagon-diamond Grid System for Motion Tracking

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Reg. ID : 17334


The proposed project is to develop a hexagon-diamond grid system for motion tracking in video sequences. This project will propose a simulation technique for tracking purpose using the MATLAB system. Hexagon-diamond grid system will be implemented using the block based technique to determine the grid coordinator of the motion tracking. The motion tracking grid coordinate is use as reference coordinate point for motion tracking purposes. Based on the hexagon-diamond grid, the hexagon search grid system comprises seven points including the center point. A small diamond search grid system covering five points is inside the hexagon grid search system including the center point. This small diamond grid search is to finalize the focused motion track search. Hexagon grid search is applied because of the block displacement of real-time video sequences are mainly on horizontal and vertical direction. Based on the grid coordinates point there will be a region of interest to be examine when the coordinate points is taken as reference point.

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Ir. Ts. Dr. Ranjit Singh A/L Sarban Singh


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