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Automated Motion Spiral Architect (ASMA)

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Reg. ID : 17365


Traditional linear way of working large fields requires longer period with full time expert operator. But, the developed Automated Spiral Motion Architect (ASMA)maneuvers the tractor automatically in spiral motion without the need of any operator. Thus, grass cutting and ploughing is easily possible even it is heavy rainor hot sunny day. A practical investigation shows that, to completely grass cut a field area of 10,000m2 by an experienced operator took 3.5 hours, when the same area is cut by ASMA, it took less than an hour. In addition, an alert system using wireless communication (sms) is also integrated to notify on how many cutting cycles have been made where, the operation can be stopped and automatically bring the tractor to home position.

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Profesor Ir. Ts. Dr. Sivarao A/L Subramonian


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