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Real Time Flood Monitoring Using wireless Technology

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Reg. ID : 17362


The Flood Observatory System is designed to be an intelligent system for monitoring flood at remote locations which has high frequency of flooding. This system is fully automated and operates without human intervention at all time. The Flood Observatory System has many features which empowers the monitoring station and the other people in flood prone locations to be alert before the flood reaches critical level. The self monitored system enables the monitoring station to be informed on any changes of water level at a certain location on real time basis. the flood prone location requires regular monitoring especially during rainy seasons since continues rain fall can cause flooding. The Flood Observatory System can be implemented at high potential location of flooding for effective and fast monitoring. The most valuable information that is given by the system is instant water rise time. This information is calculated by performing a simple mathematical operation which is consisting of water level and real time. If a system is capable to send such information in real time basis to the monitoring station without human intervention and regardless of weather conditions, this will help them to make wise decisions. Apart from alerting the monitoring station, the system can also be used to indicate the flood warning sign for the road users, buildings and public areas instantly. The implementation cost is less compare to the efficiency and sue fulness of the system towards mankind. The practicality of the system helps to minimize overheads due to flood and also prevents from dangerous risk at flood prone locations. A brilliant system for flood monitoring and alerts system is developed especially for critical flood prone location in ensuring mankind safety and possible saving to all sectors.

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Eur Ing Dr. Siva Kumar A/L Subramaniam


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