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Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 las la-industry purple
Potential Commercialised fa-solid fa-cart-arrow-down violet
Reg. ID : 17304


This project is an automated PLC-based scapping manchine prototype for Nata de Coco manufacturing. During fermementation process; a thin, white membrane-like layer develops on top of the Nata de Coco, which has to be removed before further processing. At present it is carried out by workers who manually scrape off this layer. In order to minizing human intervention that leads to hygienic issues besides cost of manual labors reduction, this machine prototype is designed, fabricated and tested to remove the specified thin layer. The manchine is divided into three major sections; loading, scaping and uploading. A PLC is used machine controller besides several sensors, a variable speed motor and a scraping mechanism consists of an electro-pneumatics cylinder, a water jet spray and a brush. It is user friendly, which can easily be handled by a single worker with auto-manual selection mode and equipped with a SCADA system as the machines GUI to assist the operator for remote monitoring and control. It can possibly be integrated with the Nata de Cocos fermentation and cutting processes. This scapping machine prototype contributes as a platform to suit SMIs needs in automating the Nata de Coco scaping process toreduce hygienic issues, cost reduction and increase productivity in long term.

Contact Person/Inventor

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Maslan Bin Zainon


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