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Hybrid Airship Drone

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Reg. ID : 16358


Hybrid Airship Drone is an aircraft that combines the flight endurance and lift capacity of a balloon with the maneuverability of a multirotor; extending the capabilities of aerial unmanned mission. Hybrid Airship Drone combines the flight concept from a blimp and a multicopter. The lift is provided by the helium enclosed in a non-rigid hull and the rotors are only used for maneuvering. It provides a crash-safe unmanned flight due to its soft body. Since its lift is provided by the buoyancy of lighter-than-air gases, energy from batteries are not needed to be airborne. Thrust vectors are only needed to maneuver it from point A to point B and to control its attitude, Tethered to a ground, it functions as a persistent aerial platform that can carry a significant amount of mission payload like camera, sensors, and sprayers.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Asrizam Esam 01112324901 / 03-97691294
Ahmad Salahuddin Bin Mohd Harithuddin 03-97694412

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Patent Filed PI2019000353


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