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RT Safe 053

Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 las la-industry purple
Potential Commercialised fa-solid fa-cart-arrow-down violet
Reg. ID : 16131


Radiography testing (RT) is one of the techniques and methods in the field of Non Destructive Testing (NDT). It is widely used in various industries, especially in the oil and gas industry, either for the purpose of maintenance or during the installation of pipe and sheet metal. One of the practical ways to reduce the exposure received by the industrial radiographer is by the use of a collimator; a tool used to focus and control the radiation coming from the guide tube of a radiation source, so that it only travels parallel to as specified direction thus reducing the exposure from unnecessary radiation. However, the utilization of a collimator in the radiography test set-up will result in 3 to 5 times longer set-up time than normal. This normally will result in the in the inspection is performed without the usage of a collimator in order to achieve the targeted output set within the time frame of the inspection; neglecting the very important aspect of safety and requirement of practice laid down by the authorities. Therefore, there is a need for a practical tool that can be used in the field of industrial RT that can facilitate the utilization of a collimator for a convenient and cost/time effective RT inspection. The tool RT Sage 0053 has the capability of holding or sustaining the guide tube of a radiation source during RT inspection setup with a collimator. This innovative invention has managed to expedite RT inspection thus results in an increase of inspection productivity of more than 50% and at the same time improve the consistency of produced RT images quality and the most important thing is it can offer better protection of radiographers which can improve their safety during inspection time.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Mohd Noorul Ikhsan Bin Mohamed@Ahmad 03-89112000

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Others IP Protection UI 2019006124


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