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ULAMs - Lecturer: University Location Attendance Management System for Lecturer Mobile Application

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Reg. ID : 16366


ULAMs which is abbreviated from University Location Attendance Management System is a mobile app based attendance tracker using which leverage indoor positioning technology based on Wireless Local Area Network to accurately locate the attendees (lecturer and students) in every specific classroom. Traditional paper-based attendance taking are inefficient, time-consuming, and resource wasting. ULAMs (University Location Attendance Management System) utilize Location Based Service Technology to address issue in taking attendance during course teaching and learning at academic institution. ULAMs is Environmental Sciences friendly and highly accurate to track lecturer’s and student’s location inside the classroom and offers efficient attendance management to the university administration for classroom monitoring.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Asrizam Esam 01112324901 / 03-97691294
Mohd Amiruddin Bin Abd Rahman 01111970890 / 03-97696676

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Copyright LY2019003655


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