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A Method For Identifying A Pork Content In A Food

Biotechnology las la-biohazard pink
Commercialised fa-solid fa-cart-shopping green
Reg. ID : 16212


In this study, pork-specific real-specific PCR assay is developed for halal authentication. Three species of meat samples are omployed, which were pork, beef and chicken. These three type of poultry meat are among the commonly consumed meat in Malaysia and are easily available in the market. DNA from each raw meat sample was successfully extrated using Dneasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Concentration of DNA extracted is estimated by UV absorption spectrophotometry using the Biophotometer (Eppendorf AG, Hamburg, Germany) prior to real-time PCR reaction. The annealing tempreture for the primers againts the other two meat samples to detect possible cross-reactions. The reaction only amplified pork DNA at C+22.83. The real-time PC assay described in this paper proved to be very sensitive with a low detection limit when samples were tested. The assay is done by preparing a 10-fold dilution series starting from 100 ng DNA were used to determine the sensitivity of the reaction. The sensitivity threshold was up to 0.001 ng pork DNA. It has been reported that adetection limit of 0.1 ng pork DNA using conventional PCR. In this context, the method would br useful in the detection of porcine DNA in food products

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Shuhaimi Bin Mustafa 03-97696711

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Patent Filed PI 20082327


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