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Cooling Patch from Cucumber Extract

Healthcare and Medical Devices las la-heartbeat green
Potential Commercialised fa-solid fa-cart-arrow-down violet
Reg. ID : 16346


The invention is a cooling patch from cucumber extract and starch from natural and eco-friendly formulation for cooling devices. Existing cooling patches made from synthetic polymer, petroleum-based polymer, not natural & unfriendly to environment and takes time to degrade. This invention made from 100% Food Grade and endothermic DSC Curve

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Asrizam Esam 01112324901 / 03-97691294
Nur Kartinee Binti Kassim 03-97696803

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Patent Filed PI2018701432


Award Title Award Achievement Award Year Received
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