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Chitosan Gel Wound Dressing Paste

Healthcare and Medical Devices las la-heartbeat green
Potential Commercialised fa-solid fa-cart-arrow-down violet
Reg. ID : 16139


Would dressings mostly in the form of hydrocolloid and hydrogel from synthetic polymer materials are imported for wound management. We have developed a wound dressing made of natural polymer i.e. chitosan derivative that gives added value to agrowaste shrimp peels into bioactive product that has a potential to be produced locally. The innovative product is a soft gel that can be applied on deep wound, cavity and joint wound. Water soluble Chitosan derivative, mixed with cross-linkable polymers are irradiated fro sterilization and cross-linking. This friendly paste is free from chemical preservative.

Contact Person/Inventor

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Habibah Binti Adnan 03-89112000


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