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A Process For Producing Pharmaceutical or Other Heterologous Protein via Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Mucuna bracteata

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Reg. ID : 17038


The present invention discloses a new platform for the transient production of a recombinant protein in Mucuna bracteata via vacuum-assisted agro-infiltration. In a specific embodiment, the present invention discloses a process for producing a recombinant protein comprises introducing a plasmid into an Agrobacterium and infiltrating the Agrobacterium which harbored the plasmid into the plant of Mucuna bracteata via a vacuum-assisted agro-infiltration method.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Um Centre Of Innovation And Enterprise (Umcie) 013-2250151 / 03-79677351

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Others IP Protection Integrated Circuit Layout Design


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