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This Research and Development (R&D) started since 2015 and has been developed to improve musculoskeletal diseases (MSD) among agricultural workers in the long run. This technology specifically reduce discomfort and physiological workload of…
Agrivoltaic Kitchen Garden (AvKg) is an invention that provides the means of incorporating green energy using solar PV system and crops cultivation in the concept of the kitchen garden.This technology provides integration of standalone; green energy…
The present invention relates generally to 5 the field of nano Biotechnology and nanomedicine, and more particularly to the production of cancer cell-targeted drugcomposition utilizing nanostructured lipid carriers for the treatment of cancers.
An apparatus is adapted from a food processor to scarify seeds. The blade of the food processor is removed. An abrasion channel is formed in the container by two layers of sand paper. The abrasion surface of the sand paper is in an opposing manner…
NEXCOM Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of composite material. Main Functions; Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The Environmental Sciences friendly structure is light weight, heavy duty,…
Tris-(1-Carboxyl-2-Phenyl-1, 2-Ethylenodithiolenic-S,S?)Tungsten is found to be good photocatalyst for photolysis of water. A new molecule with three dithiolene groups and three benzene groups was synthesized. Both groups are good in absorbing solar…
The present invention relates in general to Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices but more particularly to packaged MEMS devices with polysilicon encapsulation.
The present invention relates to a method for producing directly compressible sago starch characterized by the steps of: heating and stirring an aqueous slurry comprising 10-25% w/v sago starch at a temperature of 60 - 68°C with stirring for 50… Classification