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The invention is a rapid and sensitive LAMP assay with specific primers for detecting multiples meat spp. for food authentication or adulteration. It can detect DNA of three meat spp.; rat, cat and dog which are yet to be available in the rountine…
A method for synthesizing molybdenum-vanadium-tellurium-niobium oxide by sequential microwave irradiation, comprising the steps of irradiating a polar solvent in microwave; adding precursors of molybdenum, vanadium, tellurium and niobium…
The present invention discloses a nanoparticle suspended lubricant that helps reduce costs, extended tool life and improve performance of machining process. Accordingly, the present invention provides a nano-based lubricant for use in machining…
The present invention provides a method of diagnosis and/or discrimination of prostate cancer in a patient, comprising the steps of: - determining the content of ITIH4 fragment peptide in urine taken from the body of the patient, and - determining…
The present invention provides a method to fabricate hybrid SnO2/ZnO nanostructures via an efficient single-step method. This SnO2/ZnO core-shell nanowires and hierarchical nanostructures, and mixed oxide nanowires are fabricated via carbon assisted…
The present invention provides a method to produce heat-treated oil palm shell coarse aggregate via heat treatment at 60C for 0.5 hours and grout coating of 1.2 water w/c formulation, as lightweight concrete production. With the use of treated oil…
A method for preparing graphene-based conducting nano-composite film includes the steps of, providing a graphite source and oxidizing the graphite source to form graphite oxide solution, creating a dispersion of the graphite oxide solution in a…
Green composites have received high consideration from researchers and industries to develop eco-friendly products by using natural fibres and biodegradable polymers, which possess outstanding degradable and sustainable properties. Environmental…
Electrochemical exfoliation of water dispersible graphene nanoplatelets is synthesized electro-exfoliation in a proprietary solution. Besides, water-dispersible graphene nanoplatelets can also been synthesized via solid-state approach. The…
The invention is relates to the preparation and use of dual layer membrane containing nanocellulose material for separation of metal ions from aqueous solution. Unlike the cellulose powder product, the invented nanocellulose filled dual layer…
Often during the process of rolling a cable, the cable becomes entangled, making it difficult to roll the cable. In addition, the cable also tends to accumulate in one place on the cable roll (cable overrun), which makes it difficult to unroll the…
Carbide lime is a by-product from acetylene gas industry and was classified as scheduled waste in Malaysia. In 2018, 3000 tonne/year of carbide lime is produced and need to be eliminated. Based on XRF analysis, carbide lime contains 70% of calcium…
A potentiometric sensor for determination of Aluminium (Al) ion in water. It uses NEW thiourea compound having the active side as ionophore to detect Al ion. The fabrication is based on the drop casting immobilization method using the matrix that…
Production of sago flour in Sarawak releases high content of waste which is disposed directly into rivers causing water pollution. In our technical plant design, we proposed proper treatment of sago waste i.e., sago hampas and Sago Mill Effluent (…
A solution to complete the due-diligence and feasibility studies in matter of minutes compared to weeks using traditional methods. It will help developers evaluate the potential demand for the property in a specific area.
The present invention relates to a composition for use in packaging. More particularly, the present invention relates to a biopolymer-based nanocomposite, an article of manufacture and a method of production thereof. The biopolymer-based…