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Embodiments of the present invention relate to antennas for wireless communications, and more particularly, to a microstrip patch antenna suitable for ultra wide band in wireless communication applications.
The present invention relates to a folding mechanism and more particularly the present invention relates to an improved folding mechanism used as a reading materials support member.
The present invention relates to the method of encrypting computer information and data files using a secure encrypted envelop and more particularly by using the combination of AES algorithm and SHA-256 alogrithm in encrypting/decrypting.
SMILED is a cutting-edge software solution created to change dental imaging by tackling significant issues faced by dental professionals. The aim of SMILED is to accurately segment radiolucent lesions in dental radiographs by using cutting-edge… Classification
The Miniaturise RoVision V3.0 is equipped with high-tech Bio inspired artificial intelligence based system. Where the latest design is aspired by the pedal-muscle structure of Escargot and exploited to embedded clip while the Rotatable Rovision… Classification