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Music Model for Sports Routines

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Reg. ID : 16183


The invention is a model of parameters shared between music and movement in which the model demonstrate that audio element could enhanced the visual perception of a movement In this case, sports routine is used as the subject. Music has different functions in sport. This research focuses on music accompaniment used in sports routines that involve choreography. Coaches and athletes customarily compose or get inspiration for a choreography based on a selected music. Even with self-edited versions, there are usually sections or fragments of music that hardly synchronize with the movements. This current study supports the approach that the music accompaniment should be composed after a routine is choreographed to provide optimal synchronization between the two.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Loo Fung Chiat 03-97697126

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Copyright CRLY00000159
2 Copyright CRLY00000118


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