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Naise 1.0 : Cross Lingual Information Retrieval with Quhex Indexing Model

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Reg. ID : 17237


This product allow query in one language targeted to documents in a different language through Quhex indexing model in the form of machine language understood by computers. Quhex indexing is a unique representation in binary, independent of the original language that optimize space and search speed.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Siti Hana Binti Sarbini 019-3512968 / 06-7988000
Norita Binti Md Norwawi 06-7988000

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Trademark TMSR000280
2 Trademark TMSR000281
3 Trademark TMSR000282


Award Title Award Achievement Award Year Received
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