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Anti Rhermal Shock Porcelain Tablewares

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Reg. ID : 17218


An innovative development of industrial new body formulation using available local mineral resources as the main body composition for making lower firing anti-thermal shock porcelain whitewares. This novel product shows better coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), strength and whiteness compared to the conventionally produced either local or the imported products. Most of the similar wares in the local market are imported products, of unknown formulation and composition, high-fired and, distinctively bone porcelain. Mineral porcelain is unequivocally HALAL. Development of a new body formulation as a trade secret using local material will lead to lower cost production and firing product at lower temperature will safe on gas/oil usage.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Marlinda Binti Daud 05-5477052

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Patent Filed PI 2019001569


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