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Recycling of Mineral Waste and CO2 Gas for Eco-Green Paper and Paint

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Reg. ID : 17215


Carbide lime is a by-product from acetylene gas industry and was classified as scheduled waste in Malaysia. In 2018, 3000 tonne/year of carbide lime is produced and need to be eliminated. Based on XRF analysis, carbide lime contains 70% of calcium hydroxide. Its black colour is inherited from the carbon that exists as impurity. Carbide lime to a small extent is used to treat sewage water, stabiliser in road constructions and other applications for hydrated lime substitutes. The novelty of this invention is the utilisation of carbide lime waste from acetylene gas industry in the PCC manufacturing process for the application of paper and paint. This remarkable invention is capable of producing high purity of PCC and suitable to be used as filler. Moreover, this invention has completely revolutionised the recycling of mineral waste as filler and also can solve the problem from that particular industry. The paper produced is tested and suitable to be used as printing paper. Meanwhile, the PCC also appropriate to be used in ultra-shield and vinyl sheen paint which is for exterior and interior purposes.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Rohaya Binti Othman 013-3873271 / 05-5485219
Marlinda Binti Daud 05-5477052

Intellectual Property

Type of IP Registration ID
1 Patent Filed PI 2017704057
2 Patent Granted MY-169907-A


Award Title Award Achievement Award Year Received
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