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The present invention provides oligonucleotide probes that are specific for nucleic acid characteristic of a target sequence of 16s ribosomal rna (rrna) in prokaryotes from the genus acinetobacter and pseudomonas. The probes can be employed in a…
Sistem tangki Cheap Efficient Nursery Tank System (CENTS) telah direka bagi mengatasi permasalahan ini. Sistem CENTS ini terdiri daripada beberapa komponen iaitu 20 unit tangki culvert bersaiz 180 liter, saluran air masuk, saluran air keluar,…
Bagi tujuan menyediakan prasarana dan teknologi penghasilan Artemia biojisim secara intensif atau satu modul penghasilan diwujudkan dengan penghasilan 1 kg biojisim/tan isipadu ternakan. a) Kemudahan Ternakan Kemudahan ini terdiri dari tangki…
WABCORE is a composite system of concrete units, designed to protect coastal erosion and at the same time create an environment conductive for the growth of marine life. It was design with dual purpose and provides an alternative to the conventional…