Displaying 201 - 209 of 209
This invention presents a new class of rectifying circuit with receiving antenna for RF/Microwave energy harvesting. The design exhibits an improved RF-DC conversion efficiency better than 80% with output voltage in the range of 0.5-0.7V which is…
This invention presents a new class of integrated rectangular Substrate integrated Waveguide (SIW) filter and microstrip patch antenna for RF/microwave front-end subsystems to produce filtering and radiating element in a single device ad would be…
This invention presents an alternative method of designing diplexer which is based upon transverse electric-magnetic mode of propagation in order to separate two different frequency spectrums. The invention has the advantages with low loss, high Q-…
The project, Innovative Controller for Home Security and Monitoring System (iCon) is a small and compact and affordable home security and monitoring, interfaced with the PC via designed interface, and added with additional data logging features.…
Most Educational institutions tend to purchase lab equipments from local and international manufacturers where these equipments are normally extremely expensive especially the imported equipments from overseas. While ironically the staffs themselves…
Due to high interest in high quality but low cost material, lost of researches have been done by the researcher and engineers. Together with the increasing usage of composite material from mixture of natural material nowadays, this technical report…
One of the most widely used electronic test equipment is oscilloscope which can display the shape of a video pulse appearing at a selected equipment test point in time domain. Spectrum analyzer also is test equipment which used to sweep over a band…
Healing process of skin or ulceration underneath a patch should not be eventful, and it must allow new tissue regeneration. The use of non-resorbable patch for skin coverings may lead to the patch being difficult to remove sometimes, causing pain… Classification
A new practical product by Ekonomi Muslim Zakat Islam (EMZI) Holding Sdn. Bhd. Neloco is a mixed cocoa beverage powder with Walet's bird nest. This product contains of Walet's bird nest, honey, black seed, chia seed, chocolate, turmeric extract and…