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Inovasi produk merupakan salah satu cara bag meningkatkan penambahbaikan dalam produk di sesuatu kawasan. Pelbagai jenis produk dapat diinovasikan seperti inovasi produk makanan, elektronik, kosmetik, fesyen, pertanian dan… Classification
The Real-Time Image-Based Emergency Notification System (RIENS) is a system that combines an action detection system and real-time Apps notifier system. The primary purpose of this system is to reduce caretakers' burden in monitoring the users… |
We created a mini portable mowing machine which has 3 sets of blades and an obstacle bar that serve different function. This machine is user friendly, safety, mini and portable, saving energy and time.
This digital height measuring device is produced to facilitate the recording of students' height during SEGAK assessments in school. It's quite a special tool as it's convenient, user-friendly and time-saving. Obviously, it really helps PE teachers…
This device was invented to curb the problem of losing children in crowded places, shopping mall for instant. This device is meant to be attached to a child's body. When the child moves outside the parameter of 30m, the device immediately sends a…