Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
The Present Invention Relates To A System And Method (1000) For Monitoring Carbon Emission Level Of An Area. The System Which Monitors Carbon Emission Level Of The Area By Computing Carbon Dioxide Produced By Vehicles Comprises A Plurality Of…
The present invention discloses an incinerator for disposing of a shredded Quranic document comprises: a cylindrical combustion chamber with an opening at its top and a generally frustoconical section at its bottom end; a slot beneath the…
This system is design to assist authorities in managing solid waste illegal dumping in Malaysia. The system is a web based programme of geotagging platform which is able to report, alert and responds any incidents on illegal dumping using smart…
The invention introduces a bacteria monitoring device which is user friendly and easy to handle. The device is designed based on the combination and coordination of miniaturized microfluidic platform lab-on-chip with portable optical measurement…