Teleconsultation, the starting point of telemedicine services at UMMC, was implemented with the aim of optimizing outpatient services by reducing clinic overload while simultaneously increasing patient access to medical care remotely. The main… |
by UCSI University in Prototype
CinnaFresh is an innovative bio-renewable and sustainable active packaging that preserves fresh-cut produce quality through enzymatic browning and fungal inhibitions. It is produced by using biodegradable and sustainable cellulose acetate as the… |
by UCSI University in Prototype
Every age group strives for good skin. The face serum has been the optimal topical formulation for delivering active ingredients to the skin. However, the synthetic materials used in these led to skin irritations, redness, and itching. The… Classification
Pharmacy Department at University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) has introduced medication delivery by post since 2010 under the unit called ‘PharmCARE'. This service aims to address congestion and long waiting time at the Outpatient Pharmacy and… Classification
My-Iono merupakan sistem pemantauan ionofera dalam bentuk webbased yang memberikan informasi berkenaan kondisi ionosfera di Malaysia dalam masa hampir nyata (near real time). Ionosfera merupakan lapisan berion dalam atmosfera bumi yang kondisinya…
Membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan menguruskan aduan dengan lebih berkesan, sistematik dan cekap dalam usaha meningkatkan kualiti penyampaian perkhidmatan kerajaan tempatan kepada masyarakat
Smart Facility (SMF) adalah salah satu modul SmartCity service engine yang dibangunkan menggunakan teknologi geospatial. SMF membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan menguruskan fasiliti di bawah seliaan mereka dengan lebih berkesan, sistematik dan cekap…
According to the ASPEN (2016) and ESPEN (2019) guidelines, Indirect calorimetry (IC) is the gold standard for measuring resting energy expenditure (REE) of critically ill patients. However, IC is not widely employed in Asia. This is because of… Classification