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My-Iono merupakan sistem pemantauan ionofera dalam bentuk webbased yang memberikan informasi berkenaan kondisi ionosfera di Malaysia dalam masa hampir nyata (near real time). Ionosfera merupakan lapisan berion dalam atmosfera bumi yang kondisinya…
Membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan menguruskan aduan dengan lebih berkesan, sistematik dan cekap dalam usaha meningkatkan kualiti penyampaian perkhidmatan kerajaan tempatan kepada masyarakat
Smart Facility (SMF) adalah salah satu modul SmartCity service engine yang dibangunkan menggunakan teknologi geospatial. SMF membantu pihak berkuasa tempatan menguruskan fasiliti di bawah seliaan mereka dengan lebih berkesan, sistematik dan cekap…
As the future progresses, more and more difficulties are being advanced, however, as we deal with problems that humankind has created, why can't we deal with situations that are natural, such as communicating with people who struggle with hearing…
A new practical product by Ekonomi Muslim Zakat Islam (EMZI) Holding Sdn. Bhd. Neloco is a mixed cocoa beverage powder with Walet's bird nest. This product contains of Walet's bird nest, honey, black seed, chia seed, chocolate, turmeric extract and…
Plastics have become a large environmental problem. Excess plastics will be deposited in landfills, where they will degrade slowly, potentially causing the original products to remain in landfills for hundreds or even thousands of years. Due to the…
As we are living in the digital age, online classes and paperless documentation have overtaken handwriting. The digital representation of text story has started by the invention of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). This…