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NEXCOM Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of composite material. Main Functions; Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The Environmental Sciences friendly structure is light weight, heavy duty,…
The Floating Farming System (SPAK) is an innovation created for the purpose of rehabilitate abandoned mining ponds. This technology allows the plants to be planted floating above the pond. This technology is primarily intended to supplement the…
This invention is about the preparation of dense glass ceramic from a combination of cathode ray tube glass & fly ash waste. This glass ceramic was purposely designed to floor tiles and was manufactured at a relatively lower cost & apply as…
The invention is developing a bench scale flotation of feldspar using sulphuric acid acts as an activator (to replace hidrofluoric acid) with a mixed cationic/anionic collector (n-tallow 1, 3-propanediamine-dioleate), thereby create Environmental…
Artificial marble is a man-made product which mimic to natural stone marble. It has received a great attention in building and construction industry due to its advantages of abundance raw materials, fabulous natural aesthetic design, recyclable and…
An innovative development of industrial new body formulation using available local mineral resources as the main body composition for making lower firing anti-thermal shock porcelain whitewares. This novel product shows better coefficient of thermal…
This project offers an alternatively process of extracting mica from pegmatite rock using magnetic separation without any additional of chemical reagent. It applies precise control of the magnetic separation process is essential to obtain high grade…
Ceramic balls made from local ceramic raw materials resources such as kaolin, silica sand and feldspar as fixed catalyst bed support and topping media for catalytic reactors in oil refining, petrochemical processing and natural gas treating. Ceramic…
Carbide lime is a by-product from acetylene gas industry and was classified as scheduled waste in Malaysia. In 2018, 3000 tonne/year of carbide lime is produced and need to be eliminated. Based on XRF analysis, carbide lime contains 70% of calcium…
The leucite glass ceramics is produced using Malaysian silica sand as the SiO2 raw material. Sintering of SiO2-Al2O3-K2O glass powder at 850°C for duration of 1 hour contributed to the crystallization of leucite. The leucite glass-ceramics…
Dust and noise from quarry have been recognized as a major source of pollution.They are not only nuisance but can give huge impact on human health. This software can be used by the relevant authorities to take predetermined measures to protect…
This invention involves the utilisation of non-chemical retardant agent in the PCC manufacturing process. This remarkable technique is capable of controlling the size and shape of produced PCC without any additional chemical type retardant agent.…
Memproses bijih besi menggunakan kaedah teknologi hijau yang dapat meningkatkan gred bijih besi kepada gred kosentrat besi komersial dengan mencapai piawaian (Standard) antarabangsa serta dapat mengekalkan kelestarian/kemampanan (sustainable) sumber…
In this invention, the carbide lime (scheduled waste under EQA 1974) generated from the acetylene gas industry is being used as starting material to produce precipitated calcium carbonate (filler) to reduce the pulp usage in paper making. The…
This invention relates to paper making process which is a method of in-situ precipitation of Calcium Carbonate (PCC) from carbide lime waste within pulp during a process to achieve simultaneous carbonation and impregnation process, thereby reducing…
Kertas percetakan yang menggunakan batu kapur bergred tinggi sebagai bahan pengisi merupakan satu kaedah biasa yang diamalkan oleh pengamal industri kertas. Namun begitu, penyelidikan ini telah membuka satu lagi peluang penggunaan batu kapur yang…
Kapur karbida adalah sisa buangan yang terhasil dari industri gas asitilena. Ia terhasil sebagai hasil sampingan daripada tindak balas di antara kalsium karbida dan air semasa proses penghasilan gas asitilena. Bahan tersebut dikelaskan sebagai sisa…
Eco friendly crystal glass is a type of crystal glass which is produced without using lead and barium. Both chemicals are important to increase the sparkling effects of the glass properties. However, the use of these materials will affect to human…
Quarry Environmental Sciences Modelling Software Version 2.0 is a hybrid software that combines quarry related Environmental Sciences problems which are noise, dust and vibration. This software is useful for quarry operators to manage complaints…
These days, water filtration method commonly uses chemically made substances. This could be harmful and the sources are limited. Activated carbon that is used in water filters are made from charcoal. Charcoal is non-renewable and has only a finite…
Hazardous gas detection is a tool specially developed to detect liquid petroleum gas and natural gas at the minimum concentration of gas in the air is 200 ppm and the maximum concentration of gas in the air is 10 000 ppm. Design and build a…
Innovation is very important in modern times to improving the quality of a product in industry of construction. A ladder is a piece of equipment consisting of repeated bars or steps (rungs) between two upright lengths of metal, wood, or rope that…
The goal of this system is to promoting digital transformation by establish an online notification and record keeping system of firefighting maintenance work in a building. This system is specially designed for preventive maintenance for fire alarm…
Eggs are the main raw material food sector in Malaysia. Conventionally, separation of eggs by its grade has been done manually which consume the slower process. An Electro Egg Sorting Machine was developed by using weigh methods to overcome the…
Nowadays, solar technology is one of the new technologies that produce electricity. There are various types of solar systems used in housing and industry such as Off-grid system, on-grid system, hybrid system and so on to generate electricity. One…
NEXCOM Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of composite material. Main Functions; Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The Environmental Sciences friendly structure is light weight, heavy duty,…
NEXC Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of marine grade concrete. Main Functions are for Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The innovative structure is easier, faster, cheaper and more…
N4BERS Turbine - NAHRIM 4-Function Structure (Breakwater - EnergyGenerator - ReefREstorer- SandTrap)
N4BERS Turbine is a renewable energy coastal turbine device generating power from tidal and current. The turbine can also be used in rivers and stream especially at remote areas areas. Pilot project was in Marang coast, Terengganu.
NAHRIM Coastal Bin functions as debris collector located at river mouth to control marine plastic pollution made from recylce plastic. The system provides sustainable ecosystem from debris trap, collection and recycle within local communities. Pilot…
WABCORE is a composite system of concrete units, designed to protect coastal erosion and at the same time create an environment conductive for the growth of marine life. It was design with dual purpose and provides an alternative to the conventional…
NAHRIM marine lamp is a renewable energy lamp device generated by sea water through electrolysis process. Alternatively salt water and mineral water are also sufficient for electric power generation.
www.mycoast.nahrim.gov.my is geospatial hydraulic marine and oceanography data management for research and development purposes.
Speaking of our innovative soap, SoreTreat, which can heal DOMS, we have conducted extensive research into its manufacturing and function to ensure that it meets our main goal of alleviating the pain commonly associated with DOMS. Our alternative…