The school mainly consists of male students/teenagers with the age in range of 13 to 17 years old and thus, most of them are experiencing hormonal changes symptoms. Due to this, excessive oily sebum is generated by their skin. The sebum interacts… Classification
Penghasilan produk Debudu iaitu menukar rupabentuk budu daripada bentuk cecair kepada bentuk serbuk tanpa menjejaskan keaslian ctarasanya. Ianya berjaya dilakukan dengan kajian yang terperinci agar bentuk serbuk yang dihasilkan dapat mengekalkan…
The lack of a suitable positioning device has increased the retake rate of foot X-Rays among polytrauma patients at Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur. As foot injuries are common among emergency requests, maintaining and… Classification
General Radiography is an essential medical imaging examination that produces images of the internal structures and extremities to assist in the diagnosis. The knee X-Ray skyline view is among the common requests, constituting 13% of the medical… Classification