Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
A method of identifying a source of a digital image is provided, the method includes the steps of extracting a set of predetermined number of features, producing a classification model, extracting image features of unknown digital source, testing…
The present invention provides items including cards to be used in a game involving sketching. The card has arbitrary line and it is meant to be sketched. A rigid transparent pocket case is adapted to be fitted with the card. An erasable marker is…
The present invention relates to a system for facilitating innovation, interaction and creativity of a participant using a robotics kit, characterized in that: enrolling one or more than one participant; conducting a pre-training assessment of the…
The present invention provides a method to fabricate a broad bandwidth waveguide polarizer with graphene oxide (GO) layer fabricated via drop casting method that enables high extinction ratio for graphene based waveguide polarizer. The ability to…
The present invention disclosed a mobile Educational application management system for children to classify, enhance and improve their multiple intelligence. The mobile Educational application management system according to the present invention is…
The present invention relates to a method of visual-auditory simulation for measuring attention level of a user in real-time, said method comprising the steps of inducing a relaxation state of the user; providing a plurality of module levels each…
The present invention disclosed a method to produce a regenerated fiber bragg grating of Ge-B co-doped photosensitive fiber utilizing CO2 laser annealing. Besides, the present invention also disclosed a CO2 laser annealing system to produce a…
A method for collective human action recognition on a distributed smart phone camera network is disclosed. The method includes providing visual from at least one smartphone of the distributed smartphone network, followed by collecting visual inputs…
Disclosed automated speech recognition system for children with speech impairment comprises a means for vocal tract length normalization, a means for voice transformation and a means for model adaptation for adapting acoustic models onto different…
The embodiments of the present invention disclose a method for transforming software systems to complex networks comprising receiving a source code from a user, preprocessing the source code and converting into a Unified Modeling Language (UML)…
Portable Training Set for Hajj Course or short form as P.A.H.A.M was developed using inflatable concepts. This set consists of one unit of Ka?bah (approx. size 19.73 m3), one unit of Hijr Ismail (approx. size 0.77 m3), one unit of Maqame Ebrahim (…
An Acronym representing the five key steps to select improvement initiatives: 1. G- Goal setting 2. U-Understand relevent improvement initiatives 3. I- Identify decision criteria 4.D-decide on the appropriate initiative 5. E- Evaluate the decision *…
My-Iono merupakan sistem pemantauan ionofera dalam bentuk webbased yang memberikan informasi berkenaan kondisi ionosfera di Malaysia dalam masa hampir nyata (near real time). Ionosfera merupakan lapisan berion dalam atmosfera bumi yang kondisinya…