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The present invention discloses an incinerator for disposing of a shredded Quranic document comprises: a cylindrical combustion chamber with an opening at its top and a generally frustoconical section at its bottom end; a slot beneath the…
Portable Training Set for Hajj Course or short form as P.A.H.A.M was developed using inflatable concepts. This set consists of one unit of Ka?bah (approx. size 19.73 m3), one unit of Hijr Ismail (approx. size 0.77 m3), one unit of Maqame Ebrahim (…
An Acronym representing the five key steps to select improvement initiatives: 1. G- Goal setting 2. U-Understand relevent improvement initiatives 3. I- Identify decision criteria 4.D-decide on the appropriate initiative 5. E- Evaluate the decision *…
A tool to remove scales from fish comprises: a shaft, of pre-determined length, a plurality of discs, in which the shaft passes through center of the discs, and the discs are arranged on the shaft at a pre-determined distance between them; and a…
The invention relates to a membrane that comprises a mixture of polysulfone eugenol and an addtive wherein the additive is derived from a plant with antibacterial properties. The polysulfone could be incorporated with silver to form a polysulfone-…
Healing process of skin or ulceration underneath a patch should not be eventful, and it must allow new tissue regeneration. The use of non-resorbable patch for skin coverings may lead to the patch being difficult to remove sometimes, causing pain… Classification