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The use of modern technology in agricultural industries is important among others to increase yield and improve effeciency. For this reasons, on 28th of December 2009, a meeting between Pubber Industry Smallholers Development Authority (RISDA) Perak…
The map drawing robot was designed for the sake of diving into the robot positoning argument. The robot was using LEGO Mindstorms, which consists of NXT-controller, servo motors, ultra sonic sensors, light sensor and assembled with the LEGO parts.…
Once the non-renewable energy such as petroleum, coal, gas and nuclear have been used, it cannot be restored. Many countries in the worl are heavily dependent on the non-renewable energy and polluting source to generate electricity. This would cause…
This project is an automated PLC-based scapping manchine prototype for Nata de Coco manufacturing. During fermementation process; a thin, white membrane-like layer develops on top of the Nata de Coco, which has to be removed before further…
Light or lighting is an essential need in our society in order to ensure comfort and security. installation of lighting in a city involves complex and expensive work. Moreover, to energize the lights, an electrical network connection is needed. The…
The Radio Frequency Identification Method (RFID) system is used in developing an inspection system to inspect the assembly product by defining the correct amount and right components that have been assembled. The system consists of the RFID system…
A Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is an adaptive and dynamic system that cater to a wide range of different jobs where each involves a set of operations that are required to be done at a predetermined workstation. Therefore this research is…
This project describes the small scale hydro generation system using consuming water distributed to houses as an alternative energy source. Water flow in the domestic pipes has potential to generate electricity for energy storage purposes in…
The demand for power supply increases tremendously from day to day. Power supplies are ranged into few categories in which the common available is engine dreiven fro a small scale users. For this, one need an engine running which consumes fuel to…
Nowadays, the use of renewable energies has been progressively developed and one of them is wind energy. Wind energy can be transferred into various forms of mechanical dynamic movement that can be used to do work such as to turn the wind mill or…
Currently, the traditional door latches and locks are being replaces by magnetically operated locking systems especially for front desk hospitality. This system is widely used as it is simple in operation and installation. Hence, this type requires…