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The Real-Time Image-Based Emergency Notification System (RIENS) is a system that combines an action detection system and real-time Apps notifier system. The primary purpose of this system is to reduce caretakers' burden in monitoring the users… |
Penghasilan produk Debudu iaitu menukar rupabentuk budu daripada bentuk cecair kepada bentuk serbuk tanpa menjejaskan keaslian ctarasanya. Ianya berjaya dilakukan dengan kajian yang terperinci agar bentuk serbuk yang dihasilkan dapat mengekalkan…
Magnetic nanoparticles, magnetite, are incorporated in functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (f-MWCNTs) to prepare magnetic nanocomposite, which is subsequently used to fabricate buckypaper (BP) with the aid of vacuum… Classification